" elseif abs(int(rs2("optType")))=1 then optionshtml = optionshtml & "" else optionshtml = optionshtml & "" end if end if rs2.Close optionshavestock = (optionshavestock AND opthasstock) next displayproductoptions = optionshtml end function if enableclientlogin=TRUE OR forceclientlogin=TRUE then if Session("clientID")<>"" then elseif trim(request.form("checktmplogin"))<>"" AND isnumeric(trim(request.form("sessionid"))) then Set clientRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Set clientCnn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") clientCnn.open sDSN sSQL = "SELECT tmploginname FROM tmplogin WHERE tmploginid=" & replace(trim(request.form("sessionid")),"'","") & " AND tmploginchk=" & replace(trim(request.form("checktmplogin")),"'","") clientRS.Open sSQL,clientCnn,0,1 if NOT clientRS.EOF then Session("clientID")=replace(clientRS("tmploginname"),"'","") clientRS.Close ' clientCnn.Execute("DELETE FROM tmplogin WHERE tmploginid=" & request.form("sessionid")) sSQL = "SELECT clUserName,clActions,clLoginLevel,clPercentDiscount FROM customerlogin WHERE clID="&session("clientID") clientRS.Open sSQL,clientCnn,0,1 if NOT clientRS.EOF then Session("clientUser")=clientRS("clUserName") Session("clientActions")=clientRS("clActions") Session("clientLoginLevel")=clientRS("clLoginLevel") Session("clientPercentDiscount")=(100.0-cDbl(clientRS("clPercentDiscount")))/100.0 end if end if clientRS.Close clientCnn.Close set clientRS = nothing set clientCnn = nothing elseif Request.Cookies("WRITECLL")<>"" then Set clientRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Set clientCnn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") clientCnn.open sDSN clientEmail = replace(Request.Cookies("WRITECLL"),"'","") clientPW = replace(Request.Cookies("WRITECLP"),"'","") sSQL = "SELECT clID,clUserName,clActions,clLoginLevel,clPercentDiscount FROM customerlogin WHERE (clEmail<>'' AND clEmail='"&clientEmail&"' AND clPW='"&clientPW&"') OR (clEmail='' AND clUserName='"&clientEmail&"' AND clPW='"&clientPW&"')" clientRS.Open sSQL,clientCnn,0,1 if NOT clientRS.EOF then Session("clientID")=clientRS("clID") Session("clientUser")=clientRS("clUsername") Session("clientActions")=clientRS("clActions") Session("clientLoginLevel")=clientRS("clLoginLevel") Session("clientPercentDiscount")=(100.0-cDbl(clientRS("clPercentDiscount")))/100.0 end if clientRS.Close clientCnn.Close set clientRS = nothing set clientCnn = nothing end if if requiredloginlevel<>"" then if Session("clientLoginLevel")Session("clientLoginLevel") then Response.redirect "cart.asp?mode=login&refurl=" & server.urlencode(request.servervariables("URL") & IIfVr(request.servervariables("QUERY_STRING")<>"" ,"?"&request.servervariables("QUERY_STRING"), "")) end if end if end if function urldecode(encodedstring) strIn = encodedstring : strOut = "" : intPos = Instr(strIn, "+") do While intPos strLeft = "" : strRight = "" if intPos > 1 then strLeft = Left(strIn, intPos - 1) if intPos < len(strIn) then strRight = Mid(strIn, intPos + 1) strIn = strLeft & " " & strRight intPos = InStr(strIn, "+") intLoop = intLoop + 1 Loop intPos = InStr(strIn, "%") do while intPos AND Len(strIn)-intPos > 2 if intPos > 1 then strOut = strOut & Left(strIn, intPos - 1) strOut = strOut & Chr(CInt("&H" & mid(strIn, intPos + 1, 2))) if intPos > (len(strIn) - 3) then strIn = "" else strIn = Mid(strIn, intPos + 3) intPos = InStr(strIn, "%") Loop urldecode = strOut & strIn end function function vrmax(a,b) if a > b then vrmax=a else vrmax=b end function function vrmin(a,b) if a < b then vrmin=a else vrmin=b end function function getsessionsql() getsessionsql = IIfVr(session("clientID")<>"", "cartClientID="&replace(session("clientID"),"'",""), "(cartClientID=0 AND cartSessionID="&replace(thesessionid,"'","")&")") end function function getordersessionsql() getordersessionsql = IIfVr(session("clientID")<>"", "ordClientID="&replace(session("clientID"),"'",""), "(ordClientID=0 AND ordSessionID="&replace(thesessionid,"'","")&")") end function function trimoldcartitems(cartitemsdel) if dateadjust="" then dateadjust=0 thetocdate = DateAdd("h",dateadjust,Now()) sSQL = "SELECT adminDelUncompleted,adminClearCart FROM admin WHERE adminID=1" rs.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 delAfter=rs("adminDelUncompleted") delSavedCartAfter=rs("adminClearCart") rs.Close sSQL = "SELECT cartID FROM cart WHERE cartCompleted=0 AND " sSQL = sSQL & "((cartOrderID=0 AND cartClientID=0 AND cartDateAdded<"&datedelim & VSUSDateTime(cartitemsdel) & datedelim & ") " if delAfter<>0 then sSQL = sSQL & "OR (cartClientID=0 AND cartDateAdded<"&datedelim & VSUSDate(thetocdate-delAfter) & datedelim & ") " if delSavedCartAfter<>0 then sSQL = sSQL & "OR (cartDateAdded<"&datedelim & VSUSDate(thetocdate-delSavedCartAfter) & datedelim & ") " sSQL = sSQL & ")" rs.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 if NOT rs.EOF then delOptions="" do while NOT rs.EOF delOptions = delOptions & addcomma & rs("cartID") addcomma = "," rs.MoveNext loop cnn.Execute("DELETE FROM cartoptions WHERE coCartID IN ("&delOptions&")") cnn.Execute("DELETE FROM cart WHERE cartID IN ("&delOptions&")") end if rs.Close if delAfter<>0 then cnn.Execute("DELETE FROM orders WHERE ordAuthNumber='' AND ordDate<" & datedelim & VSUSDate(thetocdate-delAfter) & datedelim & " AND ordStatus=2") end function function htmlspecials(thestr) htmlspecials = replace(replace(replace(thestr,">",">"),"<","<"),"""",""") end function %> <% 'This code is copyright (c) Internet Business Solutions SL, all rights reserved. 'The contents of this file are protect under law as the intellectual property 'of Internet Business Solutions SL. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or copying 'of any kind without the express and written permission of Internet Business 'Solutions SL is forbidden. 'Author: Vince Reid, vince@virtualred.net Dim sSQL,rs,rs2,alldata,cnn,rowcounter,success,Count,startlink,endlink,weburl,CurPage,iNumOfPages,subCats,lasttsid,sText,index,sJoin,aText,aFields(3),currFormat1,currFormat2,currFormat3,aDiscSection() if request.totalbytes > 10000 then response.end catid="0" showcategories=FALSE gotcriteria=FALSE isrootsection=FALSE topsectionids="0" scat = trim(strip_tags2(request("scat"))) ' scat can be a comma separated list like 0,4,88 stype = request("stype") if stype<>"any" AND stype<>"exact" then stype="" if Left(scat,2)="ms" then thecat = Right(scat,Len(scat)-2) else thecat = scat thecat = replace(thecat,"'","") catarr = split(thecat,",") catzero = "" if UBOUND(catarr)>=0 then if IsNumeric(catarr(0)) then catzero=Int(catarr(0)) end if WSP = "" OWSP = "" TWSP = "pPrice" minprice = "" maxprice = "" if Trim(request("sminprice"))<>"" AND IsNumeric(Trim(request("sminprice"))) then minprice = cDbl(replace(request("sminprice"),"$","")) if Trim(request("sprice"))<>"" AND IsNumeric(Trim(request("sprice"))) then maxprice = cDbl(replace(request("sprice"),"$","")) if trim(request("nobox"))="true" then nobox="true" else nobox="" Sub writemenulevel(id,itlevel) Dim wmlindex if itlevel<10 then FOR wmlindex=0 TO ubound(alldata,2) if alldata(2,wmlindex)=id then response.write "" & vbCrLf if alldata(3,wmlindex)=0 then call writemenulevel(alldata(0,wmlindex),itlevel+1) end if NEXT end if end Sub Function writepagebar(CurPage, iNumPages) Dim sLink, i, sStr, startPage, endPage sLink = "« " & sLink & CurPage-1 & """>"&xxPrev&" | " else sStr = "« "&xxPrev&" | " end if for i=startPage to endPage if i=CurPage then sStr = sStr & "" & i & " | " else sStr = sStr & sLink & i & """>" if i=startPage AND i > 1 then sStr=sStr&"..." sStr = sStr & i if i=endPage AND i < iNumPages then sStr=sStr&"..." sStr = sStr & " | " end if next if CurPage < iNumPages then writepagebar = sStr & sLink & CurPage+1 & """>"&xxNext&" " & sLink & iNumPages & """>»" else writepagebar = sStr & " "&xxNext&" »" end if End function Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Set rs2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Set cnn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cnn.open sDSN alreadygotadmin = getadminsettings() if orprodsperpage<>"" then adminProdsPerPage=orprodsperpage Redim aDiscSection(2,adminProdsPerPage) Call checkCurrencyRates(currConvUser,currConvPw,currLastUpdate,currRate1,currSymbol1,currRate2,currSymbol2,currRate3,currSymbol3) if Session("clientUser")<>"" then if (Session("clientActions") AND 8) = 8 then WSP = "pWholesalePrice AS " TWSP = "pWholesalePrice" if wholesaleoptionpricediff=TRUE then OWSP = "optWholesalePriceDiff AS " end if if (Session("clientActions") AND 16) = 16 then Session.LCID = 1033 WSP = Session("clientPercentDiscount") & "*pPrice AS " TWSP = Session("clientPercentDiscount") & "*pPrice" if wholesaleoptionpricediff=TRUE then OWSP = Session("clientPercentDiscount") & "*optPriceDiff AS " Session.LCID = saveLCID end if end if if Session("clientLoginLevel")<>"" then minloglevel=Session("clientLoginLevel") else minloglevel=0 sSQL = "SELECT sectionID,"&getlangid("sectionName",256)&",topSection,rootSection FROM sections WHERE sectionDisabled<="&minloglevel&" " if onlysubcats=true then sSQL = sSQL & "AND rootSection=1 ORDER BY " & getlangid("sectionName",256) else sSQL = sSQL & "ORDER BY sectionOrder" end if rs.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 if rs.eof or rs.bof then success=false else alldata=rs.getrows success=true end if rs.Close if Request.Form("posted")="1" OR Request.QueryString("pg")<>"" then if thecat<>"" then sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT products.pId,"&getlangid("pName",1)&","&WSP&"pPrice,pOrder FROM multisections RIGHT JOIN products ON products.pId=multisections.pId WHERE pDisplay <> 0 " gotcriteria=true sectionids = getsectionids(thecat, false) if sectionids<>"" then sSQL = sSQL & "AND (products.pSection IN (" & sectionids & ") OR multisections.pSection IN (" & sectionids & ")) " else sSQL = "SELECT products.pId,"&getlangid("pName",1)&","&WSP&"pPrice FROM products WHERE pDisplay <> 0 " end if session.LCID = 1033 if Trim(request("sprice"))<>"" AND IsNumeric(Trim(request("sprice"))) then gotcriteria=true sSQL = sSQL & "AND "&TWSP&"<="&cDbl(replace(request("sprice"),"$",""))&" " end if if minprice<>"" then gotcriteria=true sSQL = sSQL & "AND "&TWSP&">="&minprice&" " end if session.LCID = saveLCID if Trim(request("stext"))<>"" then gotcriteria=true sText = replace(Trim(request("stext")),"'","''") aText = Split(sText) aFields(0)="products.pId" aFields(1)=getlangid("pName",1) aFields(2)=getlangid("pDescription",2) aFields(3)=getlangid("pLongDescription",4) if stype="exact" then sSQL=sSQL & "AND (products.pId LIKE '%"&sText&"%' OR "&getlangid("pName",1)&" LIKE '%"&sText&"%' OR "&getlangid("pDescription",2)&" LIKE '%"&sText&"%' OR "&getlangid("pLongDescription",2)&" LIKE '%"&sText&"%') " else sJoin="AND " if stype="any" then sJoin="OR " sSQL=sSQL & "AND (" for index=0 to 3 sSQL=sSQL & "(" for rowcounter=0 to UBOUND(aText) sSQL=sSQL & aFields(index) & " LIKE '%"&aText(rowcounter)&"%' " if rowcounter"" then session("sortby")=int(request.form("sortby")) if session("sortby")<>"" then sortBy=int(session("sortby")) if sortBy=2 then sSortBy = " ORDER BY products.pId" elseif sortBy=3 then sSortBy = " ORDER BY "&TWSP elseif sortBy=4 then sSortBy = " ORDER BY "&TWSP&" DESC" elseif sortBy=5 then sSortBy = "" elseif sortBy=6 then sSortBy = " ORDER BY pOrder" elseif sortBy=7 then sSortBy = " ORDER BY pOrder DESC" else sSortBy = " ORDER BY "&getlangid("pName",1) end if if NOT gotcriteria then sSQL = "SELECT products.pId FROM products WHERE pDisplay<>0" disabledsections = "" addcomma="" rs.Open "SELECT sectionID FROM sections WHERE sectionDisabled>"&minloglevel,cnn,0,1 do while NOT rs.EOF disabledsections = disabledsections & addcomma & rs("sectionID") addcomma="," rs.MoveNext loop rs.Close if disabledsections<>"" then sSQL = sSQL & " AND NOT (products.pSection IN (" & getsectionids(disabledsections, true) & "))" if useStockManagement AND noshowoutofstock=TRUE then sSQL = sSQL & " AND (pInStock>0 OR pStockByOpts<>0)" rs.CursorLocation = 3 ' adUseClient rs.CacheSize = adminProdsPerPage rs.Open sSQL & sSortBy, cnn if rs.eof or rs.bof then success=false iNumOfPages=0 else success=true rs.MoveFirst rs.PageSize = adminProdsPerPage If Request.QueryString("pg") = "" Then CurPage = 1 Else CurPage = Int(Request.QueryString("pg")) End If iNumOfPages = Int((rs.RecordCount + (adminProdsPerPage-1)) / adminProdsPerPage) rs.AbsolutePage = CurPage end if Count = 0 if NOT rs.EOF then prodlist = "" addcomma="" Do While Not rs.EOF And Count < rs.PageSize prodlist = prodlist & addcomma & "'" & rs("pId") & "'" rs.MoveNext Count = Count + 1 addcomma="," loop rs.Close Count = 0 sSQL = "SELECT pId,"&getlangid("pName",1)&",pImage,"&WSP&"pPrice,pListPrice,pSection,pSell,pStockByOpts,pStaticPage,pInStock,pExemptions,pLargeImage,pTax,"&getlangid("pDescription",2)&","&getlangid("pLongDescription",4)&" FROM products WHERE pId IN (" & prodlist & ")" & sSortBy rs.Open sSQL, cnn, 0, 1 end if end if Session("frompage")=Request.ServerVariables("URL")&IIfVr(Trim(Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING"))<>"","?","")&Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") if nobox<>"true" then %>

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<% DIM sDSN ' For help setting your database connection, please go to the following URL ' http://www.ecommercetemplates.com/help/ecommplus/faq.asp#faq8 ' IMPORTANT ! ! After setting your database connection you MUST MAKE SURE THE DATABASE CANNOT BE DOWNLOADED ' Failure to do this will mean someone could get hold of your site admin username and password. ' More details about this are available here http://www.ecommercetemplates.com/help/checklist.asp#asp 'sDSN = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("/fpdb/vsproducts.mdb") ' Microsoft Access 2000 using mapped path sDSN = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=i:\customerwebs\coyotegraphics\dds\fpdb\vsproducts.mdb;" ' Microsoft Access 2000 ' Please note, for SQL Server you must have an SQL Server database available. Most people will want to use the Access database provided. 'sDSN = "driver={SQL Server};server=SERVERNAME;uid=USERNAME;pwd=PASSWORD;database=DATABASENAME" ' SQL Server %> <% ' For a description of these parameters and their useage, please open the following URL in your browser ' http://www.ecommercetemplates.com/help/ecommplus/parameters.asp sortBy = 1 'pathtossl = "http://www.dynamicdentalsolutions.net" taxShipping=0 pagebarattop=0 productcolumns=2 useproductbodyformat=1 usesearchbodyformat=1 usedetailbodyformat=1 usecategoryformat=1 useemailfriend=true nobuyorcheckout=false noprice=false expireaffiliate=30 sqlserver=false usecategoryformat=3 allproductsimage="" nogiftcertificate=false showtaxinclusive=false upspickuptype="03" overridecurrency=false orcsymbol="AU$ " orcemailsymbol="AU$ " orcdecplaces=2 orcpreamount=true encryptmethod="none" commercialloc=true showcategories=true termsandconditions=false showquantonproduct=false showquantondetail=false addshippinginsurance=0 noshipaddress=false pricezeromessage="" showproductid=false currencyseparator=" " noproductoptions=false invoiceheader="" invoiceaddress="" invoicefooter="" dumpccnumber=false actionaftercart=1 dateadjust=0 emailorderstatus=3 htmlemails=false categorycolumns=4 noshowdiscounts=false catseparator="
 " willpickuptext="" willpickupcost=0 extraorderfield1="" extraorderfield1required=false extraorderfield2="" extraorderfield2required=false htmleditor="tinymce" enableclientlogin=true allowclientregistration=true pagebarattop=1 crosssellaction="alsobought,bestsellers" ' =================================================================== ' Please do not edit anything below this line ' =================================================================== maintablebg="" innertablebg="" maintablewidth="98%" innertablewidth="100%" maintablespacing="0" innertablespacing="0" maintablepadding="1" innertablepadding="6" headeralign="left" Session.LCID = 1033 const maxprodopts=15 const helpbaseurl="http://www.ecommercetemplates.com/help/ecommplus/" Function Max(a,b) if a > b then Max=a else Max=b end if End function Function Min(a,b) if a < b then Min=a else Min=b end if End function %> <% ' Please make sure this line is the first line in this file. xxDeAdd="Delete Address" xxPlWtFw="Please wait while we forward you to view your cart contents." xxCrNwAc="Create Account" xxExNoMa="Existing password does not match" xxOldPwd="Old Password" xxNewPwd="New Password" xxRptPwd="Repeat New Password" xxPwdChg="Enter your old password and new password below only if you wish to change your password." xxPwdMat="Password fields do not match" xxCancel="Cancel" xxReset="Reset" xxAccDet="Account Details" xxChaAcc="To change account details or password please" xxNevDiv="(We will never divulge your email to a 3rd party)" xxAlPrEm="Allow Promotional Emails" xxAltCar="Or select an alternate shipping carrier to compare rates." xxCpnNoF="Coupon Not Found!" xxAppCpn="Apply Coupon" xxMusLog="You must be logged in to access your customer account." xxCusAcc="Customer Account" xxLogout="Logout" xxEntEm="Please enter the email address associated with this account and click ""Submit""." xxSenPw="Your login details have been sent as requested to your email address." xxSorPw="Sorry. We could not find that email address in our system." xxLosPw1="We received a request to resend your password for your account at " xxLosPw2="Your details are as follows." xxLosPw3="If you received this email in error you need take no action." xxForPas="Forgot Password?" xxNoOrd="No matching orders." xxNoAdd="No registered addresses." xxDelAdd="Are you sure you want to delete this address?" xxMisc="Miscellaneous" xxShpAdd="Shipping Address" xxBilAdd="Billing Address" xxSamAs="Same as billing address" xxEmExi="The email address you entered already exists." xxBfChk="Before proceeding with checkout, you must" xxOrdMan="Order Management" xxAddMan="Address Management" xxPCAdd="To add a new address, please" xxUpdSuc="Update Successful!" xxEdAdd="Edit Address" xxNoLogD="Could not find login details." xxNewAcc="New Account" xxRemLog="Remember login on this computer?" xxCrAc="create an account" xxToCrAc="to create an account" xxOr="or" xxNotLI="You are not currently logged in." xxTLIP="To log in please" xxTLOP="To logout please" xxLiDets="Login Details" xxYes="Yes" xxNo="No" xxGooCo="Use the new, secure Google Checkout service." xxPrint="Printable Version" xxTrackT="%s" xxTraNum="Tracking Number" xxAddToC="Add to cart" xxOpSkTx=" (%s)" xxShipHa="Shipping and Handling" xxPlsSta="Please select your ship state" xxPlsZip="Please enter your zip code" xxInStoc="In Stock" xxInsuff="Insufficient Stock Warning" xxOnlyAd="Only %s of the item you requested are available in stock and these have been added to your cart." xxWanRem="If you wish to remove this item from your cart please click below." xxGo="Go" xxPPPend="Thank you for your order!

Your order has been approved by PayPal with a status of "Pending". We will be in touch as soon as the funds have cleared." xxInsDe2="Inside Delivery" xxInsDel="Please click here if your freight shipment requires an inside delivery" xxSigRe2="Signature Release" xxSigRel="Have Signature Release Authorization Number.
(Please enter Authorization Number Below in Additional Info.)" xxCerCLo="Customer certifies shipping is to a commercial location." xxShiInI="Shipping insurance included." xxSatDeR="Saturday delivery required." xxSatDe2="Saturday Delivery" xxSatDel="Please check this box to have your products delivered on a Saturday." xxPPPBlu="Or Checkout with PayPal Express
Save time and use your PayPal account information to checkout with PayPal." xxShpEst="Shipping Estimate" xxMCShpE="Shipping Est" xxShpIns="Shipping Insurance" xxAddress2="Address Line 2" xxNoCnf="Sorry, we have not yet received payment confirmation. Please wait 5 minutes then refresh this browser window." xxCOTxt="Checkout" xxDlPros="Download Products" xxDlPro="Download Product" xxDownl="Download" xxGuar="Delivery" xxMainWn="See main window" xxWrnChQ="If you change quantities then you have to have to click the ""Update Totals"" link for them to take effect. Please press ""OK"" to update totals or ""Cancel"" to continue without updating." xxDays="days" xxDay="day" xxCCName="Name (as it appears on card)" xxNoJS="Javascript seems to be currently disabled in your browser." xxNoCk="Cookies seem to be currently disabled in your browser." xxSecWar="This could mean that this shopping site will not function correctly. If you experience problems, please check that your browsers security settings are not set to too high a level and that you don't have a firewall blocking cookies or javascript." xxCommis="Commission" xxCCDets="Credit Card Details" xxOptOOS="I'm sorry, that particular option is currently out of stock" xxHST="HST" xxPrOpts="Options" xxValEm="Please enter a valid email address." xxLIDis="Discounts applicable to login: " xxMLLIS="Login Status" xxMLLIA="Logged in as " xxMLNLI="Not logged in" xxAutFo="You will now be forwarded automatically." xxLOSuc="You have logged out successfully!" xxLISuc="Login Successful!" xxNoLog="Sorry, your username and password were not found. Please try again." xxPlEnt="Please enter your username and password." xxSubmt="Submit" xxWrCk="Please click here to write a cookie to remember your username and password." xxLogin="Login" xxFulNam="This message will not be shown again.\nPlease be sure to enter your first and last name in the field" xxCntryTxt2="" xxCLoc="Commercial Loc" xxWtIns=" (With Insurance)" xxStaVw="View Order Status" xxStaCur="This is the current status for your order number" xxStatus="Status" xxStaErr="The following error occurred" xxStaEr1="Please enter a valid order id." xxStaEr2="Sorry, we could not find an order matching that order id and email address. Please try again." xxStaEnt="Please enter your order id and the email address used on the order." xxDate="Date" xxTime="Time" xxEFRec=" recommends this site" xxEFThk="Thank you, your recommendation has been sent." xxClkClo="Please click below to close this window." xxSend="Send" xxWantIns="Please click here to include shipping insurance." xxPlsProc="Please proceed only if you are in acceptance of our terms and conditions.\nYou must signal your acceptance by checking the box." xxTermsCo="Please click here if you are in acceptance of our terms and conditions.
To review our terms and conditions, please click here." xxComLoc="Please click here if your shipping destination is a commercial location." xxValCC="Please enter a valid credit card number." xxCCMon="Please select your credit card expiry month." xxCCYear="Please select your credit card expiry year." xxDot="" xxEFYF1="Your friend " xxEFYF2=" has recommended this site to you" xxEFYF3=", and sends you the following message:" ssIncTax="(%s Inc. Tax)" xxMCCO="Checkout" xxMCSC="Shopping cart" xxMCIIC="Product(s) in cart" xxHndlg="Handling" xxFree="Free" xxDscnts="Discounts" xxDsProd="The following discounts apply to all these products." xxDsCat="The following discounts apply in all these categories." xxDsApp="Discounts Apply !" xxAppDs="Applicable Discounts" xxTotDs="Total Discounts" xxSubTot="Sub Total" xxGifCer="Coupon Number" xxGifNum="Coupon or Discount Number" xxGifEnt="If you have a coupon or discount number, please enter it here." xxNoGfCr="The discount number you entered (%s) was not found, has expired or is not applicable. Please click here if you wish to go back and try again." xxListPrice="List Price: %s" xxHomeURL="categories.asp" xxHome="Home" xxOutStok="Out of Stock" xxOutState="Outside USA" xxState="State (US)" xxAllSta="State" xxNonState="State (Non US)" xxCntryTxt="United States of America" xxPlsSel="Please Select..." xxAddOrd="has been added to your order." xxPlsWait="Please wait while we forward you to view the contents of your cart or " xxClkHere="click here" xxSrryItm="Sorry, the item" xxIsCntly="is currently" xxOutStck="out of stock." xxTemprly="temporarily" xxNotChOu=""Temporarily" means that the product has been added to someones shopping cart, but they have not checked out. If they do not complete the purchase, the product will be free in" xxChkBack=", so please check back." xxShrtWhl="a short while" xxPlease="Please" xxToRetrn="to return to the products page." xxPlsEntr="Please enter a value in the field" xxAlphaNu="Please enter only alphanumeric characters with no spaces in the field" xxShpDtls="If you set the shipping address, please complete all shipping details." xxShpDiff="Shipping Details. (If different from above)." xxNoMeth="There are no methods available for your shipping destination." xxPlsSlct="Please select a" xxName="Full Name" xxEmail="Email" xxAddress="Address" xxCity="City" xxZip="Zip" xxPhone="Phone" xxCountry="Country" xxWntRem="Do you want us to remember your customer details for the next time you visit?\n\nOk=Yes, Cancel=No." xxCstDtl="Please enter your customer details." xxAddInf="Additional Information" xxRemMe="Remember me." xxOpCook="Use this option to write a cookie to allow us to prepopulate this form the next time you visit." xxNoPay="No Payment Methods Configured." xxClkCmp="Please click below to complete your transaction." xxPlsChz="Payment method" xxShpOpt="Please select a shipping option from those below." xxSryErr="Sorry, there was an error processing your request." xxChkCmp="Check totals and proceed to process payment." xxTotGds="Total Goods" xxShippg="Shipping" xxStaTax="State Tax" xxCntTax="Country Tax" xxGndTot="Grand Total" xxCrdNum="Card Number" xxExpEnd="Expires End" xxMonth="Month" xxYear="Year" xx34code="3 or 4 digit code from back of card" xxIfPres="(if present)" xxMstClk="You must click below to complete the checkout process." xxTrnRes="Transaction Result" xxOrdNum="Order Number" xxAutCod="Authorization Code" xxSorTrn="I'm sorry, there was a problem with your transaction." xxGoBack="Go Back and Try Again" xxNoStok="One or more of your update requests could not be completed as there is not sufficient stock." xxCODets="Details" xxCOName="Name" xxCOUPri="Unit Price" xxCOSel="Select" xxQuant="Quantity" xxTotal="Total" xxDelete="Delete" xxCntShp="Continue Shopping" xxUpdTot="Update Totals" xxSryEmp="Sorry, your shopping cart is empty" xxPrsChk="Press checkout to enter your customer and shipping information." xxNoCats="This category is not currently available." xxClkCat="Please click on a category to view sub categories." xxAlProd="All Products" xxAlPrCa="View all products in all categories." xxNoPrds="No products are currently available in this category." xxClkPrd="Please click on a category to view products." xxPrdEnt="Please enter a value where indicated." xxPrdChs="Please choose from the available product options." xxPrd255="Please enter a maximum of 255 chars in the field indicated." xxPrice="Price" xxPrDets="Details" xxEmFrnd="Email Friend" xxCusDet="Customer Details" xxShpDet="Shipping Details" xxShpMet="Shipping Method" xxPrId="Product ID" xxPrNm="Product Name" xxUnitPr="Unit Price" xxOrdTot="Order Total" xxOrdStr="Order at your store" xxTnxOrd="Thank you for your order" xxTouSoo="We will be in touch as soon as possible about your order. 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'Author: Vince Reid, vince@virtualred.net Dim gasaReferer,gasaThisSite,datedelim Dim splitUSZones,countryCurrency,useEuro,storeurl,stockManage,handling,adminCanPostUser,packtogether,origZip,shipType,adminIntShipping,saveLCID,delccafter,adminTweaks,currRate1,currSymbol1,currRate2,currSymbol2,currRate3,currSymbol3,upsUser,upsPw Dim origCountry,origCountryCode,uspsUser,uspsPw,upsAccess,fedexaccount,fedexmeter,adminUnits,adminlanguages,adminlangsettings,useStockManagement,adminProdsPerPage,countryTax,countryTaxRate,currLastUpdate,currConvUser,currConvPw,emailAddr,sendEmail,emailObject,themailhost,theuser,thepass incfunctionsdefined=true function ip2long(ip2lip) ipret = -1 iparr = split(ip2lip, ".") if isarray(iparr) then if UBOUND(iparr)=3 then if isnumeric(iparr(0)) AND isnumeric(iparr(1)) AND isnumeric(iparr(2)) AND isnumeric(iparr(3)) then ipret = (iparr(0) * 16777216) + (iparr(1) * 65536) + (iparr(2) * 256) + (iparr(3)) end if end if end if ip2long = ipret end function if Trim(request.querystring("PARTNER"))<>"" OR Trim(request.querystring("REFERER"))<>"" then if expireaffiliate = "" then expireaffiliate=30 if Trim(request.querystring("PARTNER"))<>"" then thereferer=Trim(request.querystring("PARTNER")) else thereferer=Trim(request.querystring("REFERER")) response.write "" end if if mysqlserver=true then sqlserver=true if sqlserver=true then datedelim = "'" else datedelim = "#" codestr="2952710692840328509902143349209039553396765" if emailencoding="" then emailencoding="iso-8859-1" if adminencoding="" then adminencoding="iso-8859-1" if Session("languageid") <> "" then languageid=Session("languageid") function getadminsettings() if NOT alreadygotadmin then if saveadmininapplication AND Application("getadminsettings")<>"" then splitUSZones = Application("splitUSZones") if orlocale<>"" then saveLCID = orlocale else saveLCID = Application("saveLCID") Session.LCID = saveLCID countryCurrency = Application("countryCurrency") useEuro = Application("useEuro") storeurl = Application("storeurl") stockManage = Application("adminStockManage") useStockManagement = Application("useStockManagement") adminProdsPerPage = Application("adminProdsPerPage") countryTax = Application("countryTax") countryTaxRate = Application("countryTax") delccafter = Application("delccafter") handling = Application("handling") adminCanPostUser = Application("adminCanPostUser") packtogether = Application("packtogether") origZip = Application("origZip") shipType = Application("shipType") adminIntShipping = Application("adminIntShipping") origCountry = Application("origCountry") origCountryCode = Application("origCountryCode") uspsUser = Application("uspsUser") uspsPw = Application("uspsPw") upsUser = Application("upsUser") upsPw = Application("upsPw") upsAccess = Application("upsAccess") fedexaccount = Application("fedexaccount") fedexmeter = Application("fedexmeter") adminUnits = Application("adminUnits") emailObject = Application("emailObject") themailhost = Application("themailhost") theuser = Application("theuser") thepass = Application("thepass") emailAddr = Application("emailAddr") sendEmail = Application("sendEmail") adminTweaks = Application("adminTweaks") adminlanguages = Application("adminlanguages") adminlangsettings = Application("adminlangsettings") currRate1 = Application("currRate1") currSymbol1 = Application("currSymbol1") currRate2 = Application("currRate2") currSymbol2 = Application("currSymbol2") currRate3 = Application("currRate3") currSymbol3 = Application("currSymbol3") currConvUser = Application("currConvUser") currConvPw = Application("currConvPw") currLastUpdate = Application("currLastUpdate") else sSQL = "SELECT adminEmail,emailObject,smtpserver,emailUser,emailPass,adminEmailConfirm,adminTweaks,adminProdsPerPage,adminStoreURL,adminHandling,adminPacking,adminDelCC,adminUSZones,adminStockManage,adminShipping,adminIntShipping,adminCanPostUser,adminZipCode,adminUnits,adminUSPSUser,adminUSPSpw,adminUPSUser,adminUPSpw,adminUPSAccess,FedexAccountNo,FedexMeter,adminlanguages,adminlangsettings,currRate1,currSymbol1,currRate2,currSymbol2,currRate3,currSymbol3,currConvUser,currConvPw,currLastUpdate,countryLCID,countryCurrency,countryName,countryCode,countryTax FROM admin INNER JOIN countries ON admin.adminCountry=countries.countryID WHERE adminID=1" rs.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 splitUSZones = (Int(rs("adminUSZones"))=1) if orlocale<>"" then Session.LCID = orlocale elseif rs("countryLCID")<>0 then Session.LCID = rs("countryLCID") end if saveLCID = Session.LCID countryCurrency = rs("countryCurrency") if orcurrencyisosymbol<>"" then countryCurrency=orcurrencyisosymbol useEuro = (countryCurrency="EUR") storeurl = rs("adminStoreURL") stockManage = rs("adminStockManage") useStockManagement = (rs("adminStockManage")<>0) adminProdsPerPage = rs("adminProdsPerPage") countryTax=cDbl(rs("countryTax")) countryTaxRate=cDbl(rs("countryTax")) delccafter = Int(rs("adminDelCC")) handling = cDbl(rs("adminHandling")) adminCanPostUser = trim(rs("adminCanPostUser")) packtogether = Int(rs("adminPacking"))=1 origZip = rs("adminZipCode") shipType = Int(rs("adminShipping")) adminIntShipping = Int(rs("adminIntShipping")) origCountry = rs("countryName") origCountryCode = rs("countryCode") uspsUser = rs("adminUSPSUser") uspsPw = rs("adminUSPSpw") upsUser = upsdecode(rs("adminUPSUser"), "") upsPw = upsdecode(rs("adminUPSpw"), "") upsAccess = rs("adminUPSAccess") fedexaccount = rs("FedexAccountNo") fedexmeter = rs("FedexMeter") adminUnits=Int(rs("adminUnits")) emailObject = rs("emailObject") themailhost = Trim(rs("smtpserver")&"") theuser = Trim(rs("emailUser")&"") thepass = Trim(rs("emailPass")&"") emailAddr = rs("adminEmail") sendEmail = Int(rs("adminEmailConfirm"))=1 adminTweaks = Int(rs("adminTweaks")) adminlanguages = Int(rs("adminlanguages")) adminlangsettings = Int(rs("adminlangsettings")) currRate1=cDbl(rs("currRate1")) currSymbol1=trim(rs("currSymbol1")&"") currRate2=cDbl(rs("currRate2")) currSymbol2=trim(rs("currSymbol2")&"") currRate3=cDbl(rs("currRate3")) currSymbol3=trim(rs("currSymbol3")&"") currConvUser=rs("currConvUser") currConvPw=rs("currConvPw") currLastUpdate=rs("currLastUpdate") rs.Close if saveadmininapplication=TRUE then Application.Lock() Application("splitUSZones") = splitUSZones Application("saveLCID") = saveLCID Application("countryCurrency") = countryCurrency Application("useEuro") = useEuro Application("storeurl") = storeurl Application("adminStockManage") = stockManage Application("useStockManagement") = useStockManagement Application("adminProdsPerPage") = adminProdsPerPage Application("countryTax") = countryTax Application("delccafter") = delccafter Application("handling") = handling Application("adminCanPostUser") = adminCanPostUser Application("packtogether") = packtogether Application("origZip") = origZip Application("shipType") = shipType Application("adminIntShipping") = adminIntShipping Application("origCountry") = origCountry Application("origCountryCode") = origCountryCode Application("uspsUser") = uspsUser Application("uspsPw") = uspsPw Application("upsUser") = upsUser Application("upsPw") = upsPw Application("upsAccess") = upsAccess Application("fedexaccount") = fedexaccount Application("fedexmeter") = fedexmeter Application("adminUnits") = adminUnits Application("emailObject") = emailObject Application("themailhost") = themailhost Application("theuser") = theuser Application("thepass") = thepass Application("emailAddr") = emailAddr Application("sendEmail") = sendEmail Application("adminTweaks") = adminTweaks Application("adminlanguages") = adminlanguages Application("adminlangsettings") = adminlangsettings Application("currRate1") = currRate1 Application("currSymbol1") = currSymbol1 Application("currRate2") = currRate2 Application("currSymbol2") = currSymbol2 Application("currRate3") = currRate3 Application("currSymbol3") = currSymbol3 Application("currConvUser") = currConvUser Application("currConvPw") = currConvPw Application("currLastUpdate") = currLastUpdate Application("getadminsettings")=TRUE Application.UnLock() end if end if end if ' Overrides if orstoreurl<>"" then storeurl=orstoreurl if (left(LCase(storeurl),7) <> "http://") AND (left(LCase(storeurl),8) <> "https://") then storeurl = "http://" & storeurl if Right(storeurl,1) <> "/" then storeurl = storeurl & "/" if oremailaddr<>"" then emailAddr=oremailaddr if adminIntShipping="" then adminIntShipping=0 ' failsafe getadminsettings = TRUE end function function strip_tags2(mistr) Set toregexp = new RegExp toregexp.pattern = "<[^>]+>" toregexp.ignorecase = TRUE toregexp.global = TRUE mistr = toregexp.replace(mistr, "") Set toregexp = Nothing strip_tags2 = replace(mistr, """", """) end function function cleanforurl(surl) if isempty(urlfillerchar) then urlfillerchar="_" Set toregexp = new RegExp toregexp.pattern = "<[^>]+>" toregexp.ignorecase = TRUE toregexp.global = TRUE surl = replace(lcase(toregexp.replace(surl, ""))," ",urlfillerchar) toregexp.pattern = "[^a-z\"&urlfillerchar&"0-9]" cleanforurl = toregexp.replace(surl, "") end function function vrxmlencode(xmlstr) xmlstr = replace(xmlstr, "&", "&") xmlstr = replace(xmlstr, "<", "<") xmlstr = replace(xmlstr, ">", ">") xmlstr = replace(xmlstr, "'", "'") vrxmlencode = replace(xmlstr, """", """) end function function xmlencodecharref(xmlstr) xmlstr = replace(xmlstr, "®", "") xmlstr = replace(xmlstr, "&", "&") xmlstr = replace(xmlstr, "<", "<") xmlstr = replace(xmlstr, "®", "") xmlstr = replace(xmlstr, ">", ">") tmp_str="" for i=1 to len(xmlstr) ch_code=Asc(Mid(xmlstr,i,1)) if ch_code<=130 then tmp_str=tmp_str & Mid(xmlstr,i,1) next xmlencodecharref = tmp_str end function function getlangid(col, bfield) if languageid="" or languageid=1 then getlangid = col else if (adminlangsettings AND bfield)<>bfield then getlangid = col else getlangid = col & languageid end if end function function upsencode(thestr, propcodestr) if propcodestr="" then localcodestr=codestr else localcodestr=propcodestr newstr="" for index=1 to Len(localcodestr) thechar = Mid(localcodestr,index,1) if NOT IsNumeric(thechar) then thechar = asc(thechar) MOD 10 end if newstr = newstr & thechar next localcodestr = newstr do while Len(localcodestr) < 40 localcodestr = localcodestr & localcodestr loop newstr="" for index=1 to Len(thestr) thechar = Mid(thestr,index,1) newstr=newstr & Chr(asc(thechar)+Int(Mid(localcodestr,index,1))) next upsencode=newstr end function function upsdecode(thestr, propcodestr) if propcodestr="" then localcodestr=codestr else localcodestr=propcodestr newstr="" for index=1 to Len(localcodestr) thechar = Mid(localcodestr,index,1) if NOT IsNumeric(thechar) then thechar = asc(thechar) MOD 10 end if newstr = newstr & thechar next localcodestr = newstr do while Len(localcodestr) < 40 localcodestr = localcodestr & localcodestr loop if IsNull(thestr) then upsdecode="" else newstr="" for index=1 to Len(thestr) thechar = Mid(thestr,index,1) newstr=newstr & Chr(asc(thechar)-Int(Mid(localcodestr,index,1))) next upsdecode=newstr end if end function function VSUSDate(thedate) if mysqlserver=true then VSUSDate = DatePart("yyyy",thedate) & "-" & DatePart("m",thedate) & "-" & DatePart("d",thedate) elseif sqlserver=true then VSUSDate = right(DatePart("yyyy",thedate),2) & IIfVr(DatePart("m",thedate)<10,"0","") & DatePart("m",thedate) & IIfVr(DatePart("d",thedate)<10,"0","") & DatePart("d",thedate) else VSUSDate = DatePart("m",thedate) & "/" & DatePart("d",thedate) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy",thedate) end if end function function VSUSDateTime(thedate) if mysqlserver=true then VSUSDateTime = DatePart("yyyy",thedate) & "-" & DatePart("m",thedate) & "-" & DatePart("d",thedate) & " " & DatePart("h",thedate) & ":" & DatePart("n",thedate) & ":" & DatePart("s",thedate) elseif sqlserver=true then VSUSDateTime = right(DatePart("yyyy",thedate),2) & IIfVr(DatePart("m",thedate)<10,"0","") & DatePart("m",thedate) & IIfVr(DatePart("d",thedate)<10,"0","") & DatePart("d",thedate) & " " & DatePart("h",thedate) & ":" & DatePart("n",thedate) & ":" & DatePart("s",thedate) else VSUSDateTime = DatePart("m",thedate) & "/" & DatePart("d",thedate) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy",thedate) & " " & DatePart("h",thedate) & ":" & DatePart("n",thedate) & ":" & DatePart("s",thedate) end if end function function FormatEuroCurrency(amount) if overridecurrency=true then if orcpreamount=true then FormatEuroCurrency = orcsymbol & FormatNumber(amount,orcdecplaces) else FormatEuroCurrency = FormatNumber(amount,orcdecplaces) & orcsymbol else if useEuro then FormatEuroCurrency = FormatNumber(amount,2) & " €" else FormatEuroCurrency = FormatCurrency(amount,-1,-2,0,-2) end if end function function FormatEmailEuroCurrency(amount) if overridecurrency=true then if orcpreamount=true then FormatEmailEuroCurrency = orcemailsymbol & FormatNumber(amount,orcdecplaces) else FormatEmailEuroCurrency = FormatNumber(amount,orcdecplaces) & orcemailsymbol else if useEuro then FormatEmailEuroCurrency = FormatNumber(amount,2) & " Euro" else FormatEmailEuroCurrency = FormatCurrency(amount,-1,-2,0,-2) end if end function Sub do_stock_management(smOrdId) smOrdId = Trim(smOrdId) If NOT IsNumeric(smOrdId) OR smOrdId="" then smOrdId=0 Set rsl = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") if stockManage <> 0 then sSQL="SELECT cartID,cartProdID,cartQuantity,pStockByOpts FROM cart INNER JOIN products ON cart.cartProdID=products.pID WHERE (cartCompleted=0 OR cartCompleted=2) AND cartOrderID=" & smOrdId rsl.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 do while NOT rsl.EOF if cint(rsl("pStockByOpts")) <> 0 then sSQL = "SELECT coOptID FROM cartoptions INNER JOIN (options INNER JOIN optiongroup ON options.optGroup=optiongroup.optGrpID) ON cartoptions.coOptID=options.optID WHERE optType IN (-2,-1,1,2) AND coCartID=" & rsl("cartID") rs.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 do while NOT rs.EOF sSQL = "UPDATE options SET optStock=optStock-"&rsl("cartQuantity")&" WHERE optID="&rs("coOptID") cnn.Execute(sSQL) rs.MoveNext loop rs.Close else sSQL = "UPDATE products SET pInStock=pInStock-"&rsl("cartQuantity")&" WHERE pID='"&rsl("cartProdID")&"'" cnn.Execute(sSQL) end if rsl.MoveNext loop rsl.Close end if set rsl = nothing End Sub Sub productdisplayscript(doaddprodoptions) if currSymbol1<>"" AND currFormat1="" then currFormat1="%s " & currSymbol1 & "" if currSymbol2<>"" AND currFormat2="" then currFormat2="%s " & currSymbol2 & "" if currSymbol3<>"" AND currFormat3="" then currFormat3="%s " & currSymbol3 & "" %> <% End Sub Sub updatepricescript(doaddprodoptions,thetax) %> <% End Sub function checkDPs(currcode) if currcode="JPY" then checkDPs=0 else checkDPs=2 end function Sub checkCurrencyRates(currConvUser,currConvPw,currLastUpdate,byRef currRate1,currSymbol1,byRef currRate2,currSymbol2,byRef currRate3,currSymbol3) ccsuccess = true if currConvUser<>"" AND currConvPw<>"" AND currLastUpdate < Now()-1 then sstr = "" if currSymbol1<>"" then sstr = sstr & "&curr=" & currSymbol1 if currSymbol2<>"" then sstr = sstr & "&curr=" & currSymbol2 if currSymbol3<>"" then sstr = sstr & "&curr=" & currSymbol3 if sstr="" then cnn.Execute("UPDATE admin SET currLastUpdate="&datedelim&VSUSDate(Now())&datedelim) Application.Lock() Application("getadminsettings")="" Application.UnLock() exit sub end if sstr = "?source=" & countryCurrency & "&user=" & currConvUser & "&pw=" & currConvPw & sstr set objHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") objHttp.open "POST", "http://www.ecommercetemplates.com/currencyxml.asp" & sstr, false objHttp.Send "X" if (objHttp.status <> 200 ) then ' HTTP error handling else Set xmlDoc = objHttp.responseXML Set t2 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("currencyRates").Item(0) for j = 0 to t2.childNodes.length - 1 Set n = t2.childNodes.Item(j) if n.nodename="currError" then response.write n.firstChild.nodeValue ccsuccess = false elseif n.nodename="selectedCurrency" then currRate = 0 for i = 0 To n.childNodes.length - 1 Set e = n.childNodes.Item(i) if e.nodeName="currSymbol" then currSymbol = e.firstChild.nodeValue elseif e.nodeName="currRate" then currRate = e.firstChild.nodeValue end if next saveLCID = Session.LCID Session.LCID = 1033 if currSymbol1 = currSymbol then currRate1 = cDbl(currRate) cnn.Execute("UPDATE admin SET currRate1="&currRate&" WHERE adminID=1") end if if currSymbol2 = currSymbol then currRate2 = cDbl(currRate) cnn.Execute("UPDATE admin SET currRate2="&currRate&" WHERE adminID=1") end if if currSymbol3 = currSymbol then currRate3 = cDbl(currRate) cnn.Execute("UPDATE admin SET currRate3="&currRate&" WHERE adminID=1") end if Session.LCID = saveLCID end if next if ccsuccess then cnn.Execute("UPDATE admin SET currLastUpdate="&datedelim&VSUSDate(Now())&datedelim) Application.Lock() Application("getadminsettings")="" Application.UnLock() end if set objHttp = nothing end if End Sub function IIfVr(theExp,theTrue,theFalse) if theExp then IIfVr=theTrue else IIfVr=theFalse end function function getsectionids(thesecid, delsections) secarr = split(thesecid, ",") secid = "" : addcomma = "" for each sect in secarr if isnumeric(trim(sect)) then secid = secid & addcomma & sect : addcomma = "," next if secid="" then secid="0" iterations = 0 iteratemore = true if Session("clientLoginLevel")<>"" then minloglevel=Session("clientLoginLevel") else minloglevel=0 if delsections then nodel = "" else nodel = "sectionDisabled<="&minloglevel&" AND " do while iteratemore AND iterations<10 sSQL2 = "SELECT DISTINCT sectionID,rootSection FROM sections WHERE " & nodel & "(topSection IN ("&secid&") OR (sectionID IN ("&secid&") AND rootSection=1))" secid = "" iteratemore = false rs2.Open sSQL2,cnn,0,1 addcomma = "" do while NOT rs2.EOF if rs2("rootSection")=0 then iteratemore = true secid = secid & addcomma & rs2("sectionID") addcomma = "," rs2.MoveNext loop rs2.Close iterations = iterations + 1 loop if secid="" then getsectionids = "0" else getsectionids = secid end function function callxmlfunction(cfurl, cfxml, byref res, cfcert, cxfobj, byref cferr, settimeouts) set objHttp = Server.CreateObject(cxfobj) if settimeouts then objHttp.setTimeouts 30000, 30000, 0, 0 objHttp.open "POST", cfurl, false objHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ' if cfcert<>"" then objHttp.setOption 3, "LOCAL_MACHINE\My\" & cfcert if cfcert<>"" then objHttp.SetClientCertificate("LOCAL_MACHINE\My\" & cfcert) ' response.write Replace(Replace(cfxml,"<")&"
" err.number=0 objHttp.Send cfxml errnum=err.number errdesc=err.description If errnum <> 0 OR objHttp.status <> 200 Then cferr = "Error, couldn't connect to server (" & errnum & ", " & objHttp.status & "). " & errdesc callxmlfunction = FALSE Else res = objHttp.responseText callxmlfunction = TRUE ' response.write Replace(Replace(objHttp.responseText,"<")&"
" End If set objHttp = nothing end function function getpayprovdetails(ppid,ppdata1,ppdata2,ppdata3,ppdemo,ppmethod) sSQL = "SELECT payProvData1,payProvData2,payProvData3,payProvDemo,payProvMethod FROM payprovider WHERE payProvEnabled=1 AND payProvID=" & replace(ppid, "'", "") rs.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 if NOT rs.EOF then ppdata1 = trim(rs("payProvData1")&"") ppdata2 = trim(rs("payProvData2")&"") ppdata3 = trim(rs("payProvData3")&"") ppdemo=(cint(rs("payProvDemo"))=1) ppmethod=Int(rs("payProvMethod")) getpayprovdetails = TRUE else getpayprovdetails = FALSE end if rs.Close end function sub writehiddenvar(hvname,hvval) response.write "" & vbCrLf end sub function ppsoapheader(username, password, threetokenhash) ppsoapheader = "<" & "?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & username & "" & password & "" & IIfVr(threetokenhash<>"",""&threetokenhash&"","") & "" end function function displayproductoptions(grpnmstyle,grpnmstyleend, byRef optpricediff) optionshtml = "" optpricediff = 0 pricediff = 0 for rowcounter=0 to UBOUND(prodoptions,2) opthasstock = false sSQL="SELECT optID,"&getlangid("optName",32)&","&getlangid("optGrpName",16)&","&OWSP&"optPriceDiff,optType,optGrpSelect,optFlags,optStock,optPriceDiff AS optDims,optDefault FROM options INNER JOIN optiongroup ON options.optGroup=optiongroup.optGrpID WHERE optGroup="&prodoptions(0,rowcounter)&" ORDER BY optID" rs2.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 if NOT rs2.EOF then if abs(int(rs2("optType")))=3 then opthasstock=true fieldHeight = cInt((cDbl(rs2("optDims"))-Int(rs2("optDims")))*100.0) optionshtml = optionshtml & "
"&grpnmstyle&rs2(getlangid("optGrpName",16))&":"&grpnmstyleend&" " if fieldHeight<>1 then optionshtml = optionshtml & "" else optionshtml = optionshtml & "" end if optionshtml = optionshtml & "
"&grpnmstyle&rs2(getlangid("optGrpName",16))&":"&grpnmstyleend&" " do while not rs2.EOF optionshtml = optionshtml & """) OR noprice=true,"dummyfunc","updateprice"&Count)&"();"" name=""optn"&rowcounter&""" " if cint(rs2("optDefault"))<>0 then optionshtml = optionshtml & "checked " optionshtml = optionshtml & "value='"&rs2("optID")&"' />0 AND rs2("optStock") <= 0 then optionshtml = optionshtml & " class=""oostock"" " else opthasstock=true optionshtml = optionshtml & ">"&rs2(getlangid("optName",32)) if hideoptpricediffs<>true AND cDbl(rs2("optPriceDiff"))<>0 then optionshtml = optionshtml & " (" if cDbl(rs2("optPriceDiff")) > 0 then optionshtml = optionshtml & "+" if (rs2("optFlags") AND 1) = 1 then pricediff = (rs("pPrice")*rs2("optPriceDiff"))/100.0 else pricediff = rs2("optPriceDiff") optionshtml = optionshtml & FormatEuroCurrency(pricediff)&")" if rs2("optDefault")<>0 then optpricediff = optpricediff + pricediff end if if useStockManagement AND showinstock=TRUE AND noshowoptionsinstock<>TRUE AND cint(rs("pStockByOpts"))<>0 then optionshtml = optionshtml & replace(xxOpSkTx, "%s", rs2("optStock")) optionshtml = optionshtml & "" if (rs2("optFlags") AND 4) <> 4 then optionshtml = optionshtml & "
"&vbCrLf rs2.MoveNext loop optionshtml = optionshtml & "
<%=xxSrchFr%>: " />
<%=xxSrchMx%>: " />
<% end if if request.form("posted")="1" OR Request.QueryString("pg")<>"" then %> <% if rs.EOF then %> <% else %> <% end if %>




<% if usesearchbodyformat=3 then %> <% 'This code is copyright (c) Internet Business Solutions SL, all rights reserved. 'The contents of this file are protect under law as the intellectual property 'of Internet Business Solutions SL. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or copying 'of any kind without the express and written permission of Internet Business 'Solutions SL is forbidden. 'Author: Vince Reid, vince@virtualred.net prodoptions="" ' id,name,discounts,listprice,price,priceinctax,options,quantity,currency,instock,buy if cpdcolumns="" then cpdcolumns="id,name,discounts,listprice,price,priceinctax,instock,quantity,buy" cpdarray=split(lcase(cpdcolumns),",") noproductoptions=TRUE showtaxinclusive=FALSE hascurrency=FALSE noupdateprice=TRUE for cpdindex=0 to UBOUND(cpdarray) select case cpdarray(cpdindex) case "options" noproductoptions=FALSE case "price" noupdateprice=FALSE case "priceinctax" showtaxinclusive=TRUE case "currency" hascurrency=TRUE end select next saveLCID = Session.LCID productdisplayscript(noproductoptions<>true) %> <% if IsEmpty(showcategories) OR showcategories=true then %> <% end if if nowholesalediscounts=true AND Session("clientUser")<>"" then if ((Session("clientActions") AND 8) = 8) OR ((Session("clientActions") AND 16) = 16) then noshowdiscounts=true end if if noshowdiscounts<>true then Session.LCID = 1033 sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT "&getlangid("cpnName",1024)&" FROM coupons LEFT OUTER JOIN cpnassign ON coupons.cpnID=cpnassign.cpaCpnID WHERE (" addor = "" if catid<>"0" then sSQL = sSQL & addor & "((cpnSitewide=0 OR cpnSitewide=3) AND cpaType=1 AND cpaAssignment IN ('"&Replace(topsectionids,",","','")&"'))" addor = " OR " end if tdt = Date() sSQL = sSQL & addor & "(cpnSitewide=1 OR cpnSitewide=2)) AND cpnNumAvail>0 AND cpnEndDate>="&datedelim&VSUSDate(tdt)&datedelim&" AND cpnIsCoupon=0" Session.LCID = saveLCID rs2.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 if NOT rs2.EOF then %> <% end if rs2.Close end if %> <% if rs.EOF then response.write "" else response.write "" end if %>

<% response.write tslist %>

<% if nobuyorcheckout<>true then %><%=xxCOTxt%><% else response.write " " end if %>

<% do while NOT rs2.EOF response.write rs2(getlangid("cpnName",1024)) & "
" rs2.MoveNext loop %>

<% If iNumOfPages > 1 AND pagebarattop=1 Then Response.Write writepagebar(CurPage, iNumOfPages) & "
" %>

" & xxNoPrds & "

" if cpdheaders<>"" then cpdheadarray=split(cpdheaders,",") response.write "" for cpdindex=0 to UBOUND(cpdheadarray) if cpdindex<=UBOUND(cpdarray) then classid=cpdarray(cpdindex) else classid="" response.write "" next response.write "" end if if NOT hascurrency then currSymbol1="" : currSymbol2="" : currSymbol3="" Do While Not rs.EOF And Count < rs.PageSize if forcedetailslink=TRUE OR Trim(rs(getlangid("pLongDescription",4)))<>"" OR NOT (Trim(rs("pLargeImage")&"")="" OR Trim(rs("pLargeImage"))="prodimages/") then if cint(rs("pStaticPage"))<>0 then startlink="" endlink="" elseif detailslink<>"" then startlink=replace(replace(detailslink,"%largeimage%", rs("pLargeImage")),"%pid%", rs("pId")) endlink=detailsendlink else startlink="" endlink="" end if else startlink="" endlink="" end if Session.LCID = 1033 if NOT isrootsection then if IsNull(rs("pSection")) then thetopts = 0 else thetopts = rs("pSection") gotdiscsection = false for cpnindex=0 to adminProdsPerPage-1 if aDiscSection(0,cpnindex)=thetopts then gotdiscsection = true exit for elseif aDiscSection(0,cpnindex)="" then exit for end if next aDiscSection(0,cpnindex) = thetopts if NOT gotdiscsection then topcpnids = thetopts for index=0 to 10 if thetopts=0 then exit for else sSQL = "SELECT topSection FROM sections WHERE sectionID=" & thetopts rs2.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 if NOT rs2.EOF then thetopts = rs2("topSection") topcpnids = topcpnids & "," & thetopts else rs2.Close exit for end if rs2.Close end if next aDiscSection(1,cpnindex) = topcpnids else topcpnids = aDiscSection(1,cpnindex) end if end if alldiscounts = "" if noshowdiscounts<>true then tdt = Date() sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT "&getlangid("cpnName",1024)&" FROM coupons LEFT OUTER JOIN cpnassign ON coupons.cpnID=cpnassign.cpaCpnID WHERE (cpnSitewide=0 OR cpnSitewide=3) AND cpnNumAvail>0 AND cpnEndDate>="&datedelim&VSUSDate(tdt)&datedelim&" AND cpnIsCoupon=0 AND ((cpaType=2 AND cpaAssignment='"&rs("pID")&"')" if NOT isrootsection then sSQL = sSQL & " OR (cpaType=1 AND cpaAssignment IN ('"&Replace(topcpnids,",","','")&"') AND NOT cpaAssignment IN ('"&Replace(topsectionids,",","','")&"'))" sSQL = sSQL & ")" rs2.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 do while NOT rs2.EOF alldiscounts = alldiscounts & rs2(getlangid("cpnName",1024)) & "
" rs2.MoveNext loop rs2.Close end if Session.LCID = saveLCID optionshavestock=true if currencyseparator="" then currencyseparator=" " response.write "" if perproducttaxrate=TRUE AND NOT IsNull(rs("pTax")) then thetax = rs("pTax") else thetax = countryTaxRate call updatepricescript(noproductoptions<>true,thetax) totprice = rs("pPrice") if noproductoptions=FALSE then if IsArray(prodoptions) then optionshtml = displayproductoptions("","",optdiff) totprice = totprice + optdiff else optionshtml = "" end if end if for cpdindex=0 to UBOUND(cpdarray) select case cpdarray(cpdindex) case "id" %> <% case "name" %> <% case "description" %> <% case "image" %> <% case "discounts" %> <% case "details" %> <% case "options" %> <% case "listprice" %> <% case "price" %> <% case "priceinctax" %> <% case "currency" %> <% case "quantity" %> <% case "instock" %> <% case "buy" %> <% end select next response.write "" Count = Count + 1 rs.MoveNext loop response.write "
<%=startlink & rs("pID") & endlink %>
<%=rs(getlangid("pName",1)) %>
<% shortdesc = rs(getlangid("pDescription",2)) if shortdescriptionlimit="" then response.write shortdesc else response.write left(shortdesc, shortdescriptionlimit) & IIfVr(len(shortdesc)>shortdescriptionlimit, "...", "") %>
<% if Trim(rs("pImage"))="" or IsNull(rs("pImage")) or Trim(rs("pImage"))="prodimages/" then response.write " " else response.write startlink & ""&endlink %>
<% if alldiscounts<>"" then response.write alldiscounts else response.write " " %>
<% if startlink <> "" then response.write startlink & ""&xxPrDets&" " else response.write " " %>
<% if IsArray(prodoptions) then response.write "
" response.write optionshtml & "
" else response.write " " end if %>
<% if cDbl(rs("pListPrice"))<>0.0 then response.write FormatEuroCurrency(rs("pListPrice")) else response.write " " %>
<% if cDbl(totprice)=0 AND pricezeromessage<>"" then response.write pricezeromessage else response.write "" & FormatEuroCurrency(totprice) & "" end if %>
<% if cDbl(totprice)=0 AND pricezeromessage<>"" then response.write pricezeromessage else response.write "" if (rs("pExemptions") AND 2)=2 then response.write FormatEuroCurrency(totprice) else response.write FormatEuroCurrency(totprice+(totprice*thetax/100.0)) response.write "" end if %>
<% if cDbl(totprice)=0 AND pricezeromessage<>"" then response.write " " else extracurr = "" if currRate1<>0 AND currSymbol1<>"" then extracurr = replace(currFormat1, "%s", FormatNumber(totprice*currRate1, checkDPs(currSymbol1))) & currencyseparator if currRate2<>0 AND currSymbol2<>"" then extracurr = extracurr & replace(currFormat2, "%s", FormatNumber(totprice*currRate2, checkDPs(currSymbol2))) & currencyseparator if currRate3<>0 AND currSymbol3<>"" then extracurr = extracurr & replace(currFormat3, "%s", FormatNumber(totprice*currRate3, checkDPs(currSymbol3))) if extracurr<>"" then response.write "
" & extracurr & "
" end if %>
<% if cint(rs("pStockByOpts"))<>0 then response.write "-" else response.write rs("pInStock") %>
<% if useStockManagement then if cint(rs("pStockByOpts"))<>0 then isInStock = optionshavestock else isInStock = Int(rs("pInStock")) > 0 else isInStock = cint(rs("pSell")) <> 0 end if if isInStock then %>" /> "","?","")&Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")%>" /> <% if custombuybutton<>"" then response.write custombuybutton else response.write "" else response.write ""&xxOutStok&"" end if %>

<% If iNumOfPages > 1 AND nobottompagebar<>true Then Response.Write writepagebar(CurPage, iNumOfPages) %>

<% elseif usesearchbodyformat=2 then %> <% 'This code is copyright (c) Internet Business Solutions SL, all rights reserved. 'The contents of this file are protected under law as the intellectual property 'of Internet Business Solutions SL. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or copying 'of any kind without the express and written permission of Internet Business 'Solutions SL is forbidden. 'Author: Vince Reid, vince@virtualred.net prodoptions="" saveLCID = Session.LCID productdisplayscript(noproductoptions<>true) %> <% if productcolumns="" then productcolumns=1 if IsEmpty(showcategories) OR showcategories=true then %> <% end if if nowholesalediscounts=true AND Session("clientUser")<>"" then if ((Session("clientActions") AND 8) = 8) OR ((Session("clientActions") AND 16) = 16) then noshowdiscounts=true end if if noshowdiscounts<>true then Session.LCID = 1033 sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT "&getlangid("cpnName",1024)&" FROM coupons LEFT OUTER JOIN cpnassign ON coupons.cpnID=cpnassign.cpaCpnID WHERE (" addor = "" if catid<>"0" then sSQL = sSQL & addor & "((cpnSitewide=0 OR cpnSitewide=3) AND cpaType=1 AND cpaAssignment IN ('"&Replace(topsectionids,",","','")&"'))" addor = " OR " end if tdt = Date() sSQL = sSQL & addor & "(cpnSitewide=1 OR cpnSitewide=2)) AND cpnNumAvail>0 AND cpnEndDate>="&datedelim&VSUSDate(tdt)&datedelim&" AND cpnIsCoupon=0" Session.LCID = saveLCID rs2.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 if NOT rs2.EOF then %> <% end if rs2.Close end if if iNumOfPages > 1 AND pagebarattop=1 then %> <% end if if rs.EOF then response.write "" else Do While Not rs.EOF And Count < rs.PageSize if forcedetailslink=TRUE OR Trim(rs(getlangid("pLongDescription",4)))<>"" OR NOT (Trim(rs("pLargeImage")&"")="" OR Trim(rs("pLargeImage"))="prodimages/") then if cint(rs("pStaticPage"))<>0 then startlink="" endlink="" elseif detailslink<>"" then startlink=replace(replace(detailslink,"%largeimage%", rs("pLargeImage")),"%pid%", rs("pId")) endlink=detailsendlink else startlink="" endlink="" end if else startlink="" endlink="" end if Session.LCID = 1033 if NOT isrootsection then if IsNull(rs("pSection")) then thetopts = 0 else thetopts = rs("pSection") gotdiscsection = false for cpnindex=0 to adminProdsPerPage-1 if aDiscSection(0,cpnindex)=thetopts then gotdiscsection = true exit for elseif aDiscSection(0,cpnindex)="" then exit for end if next aDiscSection(0,cpnindex) = thetopts if NOT gotdiscsection then topcpnids = thetopts for index=0 to 10 if thetopts=0 then exit for else sSQL = "SELECT topSection FROM sections WHERE sectionID=" & thetopts rs2.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 if NOT rs2.EOF then thetopts = rs2("topSection") topcpnids = topcpnids & "," & thetopts else rs2.Close exit for end if rs2.Close end if next aDiscSection(1,cpnindex) = topcpnids else topcpnids = aDiscSection(1,cpnindex) end if end if alldiscounts = "" if noshowdiscounts<>true then tdt = Date() sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT "&getlangid("cpnName",1024)&" FROM coupons LEFT OUTER JOIN cpnassign ON coupons.cpnID=cpnassign.cpaCpnID WHERE (cpnSitewide=0 OR cpnSitewide=3) AND cpnNumAvail>0 AND cpnEndDate>="&datedelim&VSUSDate(tdt)&datedelim&" AND cpnIsCoupon=0 AND ((cpaType=2 AND cpaAssignment='"&rs("pID")&"')" if NOT isrootsection then sSQL = sSQL & " OR (cpaType=1 AND cpaAssignment IN ('"&Replace(topcpnids,",","','")&"') AND NOT cpaAssignment IN ('"&Replace(topsectionids,",","','")&"'))" sSQL = sSQL & ")" rs2.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 do while NOT rs2.EOF alldiscounts = alldiscounts & rs2(getlangid("cpnName",1024)) & "
" rs2.MoveNext loop rs2.Close end if Session.LCID = saveLCID if Count MOD productcolumns = 0 then response.write "" %> <% Count = Count + 1 rs.MoveNext if Count MOD productcolumns = 0 then response.write "" if noproductseparator<>TRUE then if Not rs.EOF And Count < rs.PageSize then response.write "" for index=1 to productcolumns response.write "" next response.write "" end if end if end if loop if Count MOD productcolumns <> 0 then do while Count MOD productcolumns <> 0 response.write "" Count = Count + 1 loop response.write "" end if end if %>

<% response.write tslist %>

<% if nobuyorcheckout<>true then %><%=xxCOTxt%><% else response.write " " end if %>

<% do while NOT rs2.EOF response.write rs2(getlangid("cpnName",1024)) & "
" rs2.MoveNext loop %>

<%=writepagebar(CurPage, iNumOfPages) & "
" %>

" & xxNoPrds & "

<% if currencyseparator="" then currencyseparator=" " if perproducttaxrate=TRUE AND NOT IsNull(rs("pTax")) then thetax = rs("pTax") else thetax = countryTaxRate call updatepricescript(noproductoptions<>true,thetax) thedesc = trim(rs(getlangid("pDescription",2))) if shortdescriptionlimit<>"" then thedesc = left(thedesc, shortdescriptionlimit) & IIfVr(len(thedesc)>shortdescriptionlimit, "...", "") %>
<% if showproductid=true then response.write "" %> <% if nobuyorcheckout<>true then response.write "" end if%>
" & xxPrId & ": " & rs("pID") & "
<% if Trim(rs("pImage"))="" or IsNull(rs("pImage")) or Trim(rs("pImage"))="prodimages/" then %>   <% else %> <%=startlink%>" border="0" alt="<%=strip_tags2(rs(getlangid("pName",1))&"")%>" /><%=endlink%> <% end if %>
<%=startlink & rs(getlangid("pName",1)) & endlink & xxDot%>
<% if alldiscounts<>"" then response.write ""&xxDsApp&"
" & alldiscounts & "
" if showinstock=TRUE then if cint(rs("pStockByOpts"))=0 then response.write "
" & xxInStoc & ": " & rs("pInStock") & "
" %> <% if thedesc<>"" then response.write "
" & thedesc & "
" else response.write "
" optionshavestock=true totprice = rs("pPrice") if IsArray(prodoptions) AND noproductoptions<>true then response.write "
" response.write displayproductoptions("","", optdiff) totprice = totprice + optdiff response.write "
" end if if noprice<>true then if cDbl(rs("pListPrice"))<>0.0 then response.write "
" & Replace(xxListPrice, "%s", FormatEuroCurrency(rs("pListPrice"))) & "
" if totprice=0 AND pricezeromessage<>"" then response.write "
" & pricezeromessage & "
" else response.write "
" & xxPrice & ": " & FormatEuroCurrency(totprice) & " " if showtaxinclusive=true AND (rs("pExemptions") AND 2)<>2 then response.write Replace(ssIncTax,"%s", "" & FormatEuroCurrency(totprice+(totprice*thetax/100.0)) & " ") response.write "
" extracurr = "" if currRate1<>0 AND currSymbol1<>"" then extracurr = replace(currFormat1, "%s", FormatNumber(totprice*currRate1, checkDPs(currSymbol1))) & currencyseparator if currRate2<>0 AND currSymbol2<>"" then extracurr = extracurr & replace(currFormat2, "%s", FormatNumber(totprice*currRate2, checkDPs(currSymbol2))) & currencyseparator if currRate3<>0 AND currSymbol3<>"" then extracurr = extracurr & replace(currFormat3, "%s", FormatNumber(totprice*currRate3, checkDPs(currSymbol3))) if extracurr<>"" then response.write "
" & extracurr & "
" end if end if %>
" if useStockManagement then if cint(rs("pStockByOpts"))<>0 then isInStock = optionshavestock else isInStock = Int(rs("pInStock")) > 0 else isInStock = cint(rs("pSell")) <> 0 end if if isInStock then %> " /> "","?","")&Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")%>" /> <% if showquantonproduct=true then response.write " " if custombuybutton<>"" then response.write custombuybutton else response.write "" else response.write ""&xxOutStok&"" end if response.write "
" & IIfVr(prodseparator<>"", prodseparator, "
") & "

<% if iNumOfPages > 1 AND nobottompagebar<>true then response.write writepagebar(CurPage, iNumOfPages) & "
" %>

<% else %> <% 'This code is copyright (c) Internet Business Solutions SL, all rights reserved. 'The contents of this file are protect under law as the intellectual property 'of Internet Business Solutions SL. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or copying 'of any kind without the express and written permission of Internet Business 'Solutions SL is forbidden. 'Author: Vince Reid, vince@virtualred.net prodoptions="" saveLCID = Session.LCID productdisplayscript(noproductoptions<>true) %> <% if IsEmpty(showcategories) OR showcategories=true then %> <% end if if nowholesalediscounts=true AND Session("clientUser")<>"" then if ((Session("clientActions") AND 8) = 8) OR ((Session("clientActions") AND 16) = 16) then noshowdiscounts=true end if if noshowdiscounts<>true then Session.LCID = 1033 sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT "&getlangid("cpnName",1024)&" FROM coupons LEFT OUTER JOIN cpnassign ON coupons.cpnID=cpnassign.cpaCpnID WHERE (" addor = "" if catid<>"0" then sSQL = sSQL & addor & "((cpnSitewide=0 OR cpnSitewide=3) AND cpaType=1 AND cpaAssignment IN ('"&Replace(topsectionids,",","','")&"'))" addor = " OR " end if tdt = Date() sSQL = sSQL & addor & "(cpnSitewide=1 OR cpnSitewide=2)) AND cpnNumAvail>0 AND cpnEndDate>="&datedelim&VSUSDate(tdt)&datedelim&" AND cpnIsCoupon=0" Session.LCID = saveLCID rs2.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 if NOT rs2.EOF then %> <% end if rs2.Close end if %> <% if rs.EOF then response.write "" else Do While Not rs.EOF And Count < rs.PageSize if forcedetailslink=TRUE OR Trim(rs(getlangid("pLongDescription",4)))<>"" OR NOT (Trim(rs("pLargeImage")&"")="" OR Trim(rs("pLargeImage"))="prodimages/") then if cint(rs("pStaticPage"))<>0 then startlink="" endlink="" elseif detailslink<>"" then startlink=replace(replace(detailslink,"%largeimage%", rs("pLargeImage")),"%pid%", rs("pId")) endlink=detailsendlink else startlink="" endlink="" end if else startlink="" endlink="" end if Session.LCID = 1033 if NOT isrootsection then if IsNull(rs("pSection")) then thetopts = 0 else thetopts = rs("pSection") gotdiscsection = false for cpnindex=0 to adminProdsPerPage-1 if aDiscSection(0,cpnindex)=thetopts then gotdiscsection = true exit for elseif aDiscSection(0,cpnindex)="" then exit for end if next aDiscSection(0,cpnindex) = thetopts if NOT gotdiscsection then topcpnids = thetopts for index=0 to 10 if thetopts=0 then exit for else sSQL = "SELECT topSection FROM sections WHERE sectionID=" & thetopts rs2.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 if NOT rs2.EOF then thetopts = rs2("topSection") topcpnids = topcpnids & "," & thetopts else rs2.Close exit for end if rs2.Close end if next aDiscSection(1,cpnindex) = topcpnids else topcpnids = aDiscSection(1,cpnindex) end if end if alldiscounts = "" if noshowdiscounts<>true then tdt = Date() sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT "&getlangid("cpnName",1024)&" FROM coupons LEFT OUTER JOIN cpnassign ON coupons.cpnID=cpnassign.cpaCpnID WHERE (cpnSitewide=0 OR cpnSitewide=3) AND cpnNumAvail>0 AND cpnEndDate>="&datedelim&VSUSDate(tdt)&datedelim&" AND cpnIsCoupon=0 AND ((cpaType=2 AND cpaAssignment='"&rs("pID")&"')" if NOT isrootsection then sSQL = sSQL & " OR (cpaType=1 AND cpaAssignment IN ('"&Replace(topcpnids,",","','")&"') AND NOT cpaAssignment IN ('"&Replace(topsectionids,",","','")&"'))" sSQL = sSQL & ")" rs2.Open sSQL,cnn,0,1 do while NOT rs2.EOF alldiscounts = alldiscounts & rs2(getlangid("cpnName",1024)) & "
" rs2.MoveNext loop rs2.Close end if Session.LCID = saveLCID %> <% if currencyseparator="" then currencyseparator=" " if perproducttaxrate=TRUE AND NOT IsNull(rs("pTax")) then thetax = rs("pTax") else thetax = countryTaxRate call updatepricescript(noproductoptions<>true,thetax) %> <% if noproductseparator<>TRUE then response.write "" end if Count = Count + 1 rs.MoveNext loop end if %>

<% response.write tslist %>

<% if nobuyorcheckout<>true then %><%=xxCOTxt%><% else response.write " " end if %>

<% do while NOT rs2.EOF response.write rs2(getlangid("cpnName",1024)) & "
" rs2.MoveNext loop %>

<% If iNumOfPages > 1 AND pagebarattop=1 Then Response.Write writepagebar(CurPage, iNumOfPages) & "
" %>

" & xxNoPrds & "

<% if Trim(rs("pImage"))="" or IsNull(rs("pImage")) or Trim(rs("pImage"))="prodimages/" then %>   <% else %> <%=startlink%>" border="0" alt="<%=strip_tags2(rs(getlangid("pName",1))&"")%>" /><%=endlink%> <% end if %> <% if showproductid=true then response.write "
" & xxPrId & ": " & rs("pID") & "
" %>
<% response.write rs(getlangid("pName",1))&xxDot if alldiscounts<>"" then response.write " "&xxDsApp&"
" & alldiscounts & "
" else response.write "" if showinstock=TRUE then if cint(rs("pStockByOpts"))=0 then response.write "
" & xxInStoc & ": " & rs("pInStock") & "
" %>
<% if startlink <> "" then response.write "

" & startlink & ""&xxPrDets&" 

" else response.write " " end if %>
<% response.write "
" shortdesc = rs(getlangid("pDescription",2)) if shortdescriptionlimit="" then response.write shortdesc else response.write left(shortdesc, shortdescriptionlimit) & IIfVr(len(shortdesc)>shortdescriptionlimit, "...", "") response.write "
" optionshavestock=true totprice = rs("pPrice") if IsArray(prodoptions) AND noproductoptions<>true then response.write "
" response.write displayproductoptions("","",optdiff) totprice = totprice + optdiff response.write "
" end if %>
<% if noprice=true then response.write " " else if cDbl(rs("pListPrice"))<>0.0 then response.write "
" & Replace(xxListPrice, "%s", FormatEuroCurrency(rs("pListPrice"))) & "
" if cDbl(totprice)=0 AND pricezeromessage<>"" then response.write "
" & pricezeromessage & "
" else response.write "
" & xxPrice & ": " & FormatEuroCurrency(totprice) & " " if showtaxinclusive=true AND (rs("pExemptions") AND 2)<>2 then response.write Replace(ssIncTax,"%s", "" & FormatEuroCurrency(totprice+(totprice*thetax/100.0)) & " ") response.write "
" extracurr = "" if currRate1<>0 AND currSymbol1<>"" then extracurr = replace(currFormat1, "%s", FormatNumber(totprice*currRate1, checkDPs(currSymbol1))) & currencyseparator if currRate2<>0 AND currSymbol2<>"" then extracurr = extracurr & replace(currFormat2, "%s", FormatNumber(totprice*currRate2, checkDPs(currSymbol2))) & currencyseparator if currRate3<>0 AND currSymbol3<>"" then extracurr = extracurr & replace(currFormat3, "%s", FormatNumber(totprice*currRate3, checkDPs(currSymbol3))) if extracurr<>"" then response.write "
" & extracurr & "
" end if end if %>
<% if nobuyorcheckout=true then response.write " " else if useStockManagement then if cint(rs("pStockByOpts"))<>0 then isInStock = optionshavestock else isInStock = Int(rs("pInStock")) > 0 else isInStock = cint(rs("pSell")) <> 0 end if if isInStock then %>" /> "","?","")&Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")%>" /> <% if showquantonproduct=true then response.write " " if custombuybutton<>"" then response.write custombuybutton else response.write "" else response.write ""&xxOutStok&"" end if end if %>
" & IIfVr(prodseparator<>"", prodseparator, "
") & "

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